Land Measurement Calculator in Bangla - ANSNEW

Land Measurement Calculator in Bangla

Land Measurement Calculator in Bangla
Land Measurement Calculator

ভূমি পরিমাপ কনভার্টার / ক্যালকুলেটর

থেকে নির্বাচন করুন
প্রতি নির্বাচন করুন
ইনপুট ক্ষেত্র দিন (বিঘা)
আউটপুট ক্ষেত্র নিন (শতাংশ)

বাংলাদেশ ভূমি পরিমাপের আদর্শ এককসমূহ

    Formula of Paki, Bigha and Decimal:

    1 Paki = 1 Bigha = 33 Decimal
    1 Decimal = 1 Shotangsho (Shotok) = 435.6 Sq Feet (approx)
    1 Kattah (or Cottah) = 1.65 Shotangsho (approx)
    1 Katha = 165 Ojutangsho (approx)

    1 Shotangsho = 100 Ojutangsho
    1 Katha = 720 Sq Feet (approx)
    20 Katha = 1 Bigha
    3 Bighas = 1 Acre approx. (1600 square yards)
    4 Kora = 1 Gonda
    20 Gonda = 1 Kani
    80 Kora = 1 Kani
    120 Decimal = 1 Kani

    Formula of Square Feet and Kani:

    17280 Square Feet = 1 Kani
    1619 Square Meter = 1 Kani
    40000 Square Links = 1 Kani
    7680 Square Hat = 1 Kani
    1936 Bargogoz = 1 Kani
    40 Acore = 1 Kani

    Formula of 8 Hat nol :

    12 Nol * 10 Nol = 120 Bargonol

    Kani and Gonda as square feet:

    17280 Square Feet = 1 Kani = 20 Gonda ( Measurement of 8 Hat nol )
    864 Square Feet = 1 Gonda = 4 Kora
    216 Square Feet = 1 Kora = 3 Kransti/Kontho
    72 Square Feet = 1 Kransti = 20 Til
    3.6 Square Feet = 1 Til

    Formula of Square Feet and Acore:

    1 Chain = 66 Feet
    10 Square Chain = (66*660) or 1 Acore = 43560 Square Feet
    1 Acore or 100 Shotok = 43200 Square Feet

    Formula of Square Link, Acore and Shotok:

    1 Chain = 100 Link, So 1 Square Chain = 100*1000 =100,000 Square Link = 1 Acore
    1 Acore Or 100 Shotok = 1,00,000 Square Link
    1 Shotok = 1,000 Square Link
    100 Link = 66 Feet

    Formula of Kani and Gonda as Square Link:

    1 Kani Or 20 Gonda = 40,000 Square Link
    1 Gonda Or 4 Kora = 2000 Square Link
    1 Kora Or 3 Kanti = 500 Square Link
    1 Kranti Or 20 Til = 160.66 Square Link
    1 Til = 8.33 Square Link

    Formula of 8 Hat Nol as Square Hat:

    1 Kani Or 20 Gaz/Yard = 7680 Bargo Hat
    1 Gonda Ot 4 Kora = 384 Bargo Hat
    1 Kora Or 3 Kanti = 96 Bargo Hat
    1 Kranti Or 20 Til = 32 Bargo Hat
    1 Til = 1.6 Bargo Hat

    Formula of Kani and Gondar fo 8 Hat Nol as Square Feet:

    1 Kani Or 20 Gonda = 17280 Square Feet
    1 Gonda Or 4 Kora = 864 Square Feet
    1 Kora Or 3 Kontho/Kranti = 216 Square Feet
    1 Kontho Or 6 Donto = 72 Square Feet
    1 Dondho Or 7 Dhul = 12 Square Feet
    1 Dhul Or 30 Renu = 1.71 Square Feet
    1 Renu = 0.057 Square Feet

    Formula of Kani and Gondar as Bargo Gaz/Yard:

    1 Kani Or 20 Gonda = 1936 Bargo Gaz (Square Yard)
    1 Gonda Or 4 Kora = 96.8 Bargo Gaz (Square Yard)
    1 Kora Or 3 Kranti = 24.2 Bargo Gaz (Square Yard)
    1 Kranti Or 20 Til = 8.06 Bargo Gaz (Square Yard)
    1 Til = 0.40 Bargo Gaz (Square Yard)

    Formula of Kani and Gondar as Square Meter:

    (40.47 * Meter * 39.67 = 1605 Square Meter)
    1 Kani Or 20 Gonda = 1605 Square Meter
    1 Gonda Or 4 Kora = 80.25 Square Meter
    1 Kora Or 3 Kranti = 20.06 Square Meter
    1 Kranti Or 20 Til = 6.68 Square Meter
    1 Til = .334 Square Meter

    Formula of Acore and Shotok:

    Length 10 Chain * Width 1 Chain = 10 Square Chain = 1 Acore
    1 Chain = 66 Feet = 44 Hat = 22 Gaz/Yard = 20.12 Meter = 792 Inchi = 100 Link
    1 Acore = 10 Square Chain
    1 Acore = 100 Shotok
    1 Acore = 43560 Square Feet
    1 Acore = 19360 Square Hat
    1 Acore = 4840 Borgo Gaz (Square Yard)
    1 Acore = 4047 Square Meter
    1 Acore = 1,00,000 Square Link
    1 Acore = 3 Bigha 8 Chotak
    1 Acore = 60.5 Kattah
    1 Acore = 2 Kani 10 Gonda (Accoding to 40 Shotok Kani)
    1 Acore = 432.6 Square Feet
    1 Acore = 1 Gonda

    Formula of Acore and Shotok as Square Link:

    1 Chain = 100 Link
    1 Square Chain = 100 * 1000 = 1,00,000 Square Link = 1 Acore
    1 Acore Or 100 Shotok = 1,00,000 Square Link

    Formula of Acore and Shotok as Square Feet:

    1 Chain = 66 Feet
    10 Square Chain = 66 * 66
    Or 1 Acore Or 100 Shotok = 43569 Square Feet
    1 Shotok = 435.6 Square Feet

    Formula of Kani and Gonda as Acore and Shotok:

    1 Shotok = 435.6 Square Feet
    1 Kani Or 40 Shotok = 435.6 * 40 = 17424 Square Feet
    1 Kani Or 20 Gonda = 17424 Square Feet
    1 Gonda Or 4 Kora = 871.2 Square Feet
    1 Kora Or 3 Kranti = 217.8 Square Feet
    1 Kranti Or 20 Til = 72.6 Square Feet
    1 Til = 3.63 Square Feet

    Formula of Acore and Shotok as Borgo Hat:

    1 Chain = 88 Hat
    10 Square chain = 44 * 440 = 19360 Borgo Hat (1 Acre)
    1 Acre Or 100 Shotok = 19360 Borgo Hat
    1 Shotok = 193.6 Borgo Hat
    40 Shotok Or Kani = 193.6 * 40 = 7744 Square Hat

    Formula of Acore and Shotok as Borgo Gaz/Yard:

    1 Chain = 22 Gaz/Yard
    10 Square Chain Or 1 Acre = 220 * 22 = 4840 Borgo Gaz (Square Yard)
    1 Acre Or 100 Shotok = 4840 Square Gaz
    1 Shotok = 48.40 Barogo Gaz
    1 Kani Or 40 Borgo Gaz/ Square Yard = 48.40 * 40 = 1936 Bargo Gaz (Square Yard)

    Formula of Acore and Shotok as Square Meter:

    1 Chain = 2012 Meter
    10 Square Chain Or 1 Acre = 201.2 * 20.12 = 4047 Square Meter
    1 Acre Or 100 Shotok = 4047 Square Meter
    1 Shotok = 40.47 Square Meter

    Formula of Bigha and Kattah:

    1 Bigha = 80 Hat
    1 Bigha = 80 * 80 6400 Square Hat
    1 Bigha = 20 Kattah
    1 Bigha = 33 Shotok
    1 Bigha = 33000 Square Link
    1 Bigha = 6400 Square Hat
    1 Bigha = 1600 Borgo Gaz (Square Yard)
    1 Bigha = 14400 Square Feet
    1 Bigha = 1338 Square Meter
    1 Bigha = 16 Gonda 2 Kora 2 Kranti

    Formula of Bargohat and Bigha:

    1 Bigha or 20 Kattah = 6400 Bargohat (Square Hat)
    1 Kattah or 16 Chotak = 320 Bargohat (Square Hat)
    1 Chotak = 320 Bargohat (Square Hat)

    Formula of Bigha and Kattah:

    4 Kak = 1 Kora
    4 Kora = 1 Gonda
    16 Chotak = 1 Kattah
    20 Kattah = 1 Bigha
    20 Gonda = 1 Chotak
    6 Bigha = 1 Gonda

    Formula of Bigha, Kattah and Hat:

    1 Bigha or 20 Kattah = 80 Hat
    1 Kattah or 16 Chotak = 4 Hat
    1 Chotak or 20 Gonda = .25 Hat
    1 Gonda or 4 Kora = .0125 Hat
    1 Kora or 4 Kak = .0031 Hat
    1 Kak = .0007 Hat

    Formula of Bargolink/Square link, Bigha:

    1 Bigha or 20 Kattah = 33000 Bargolink/Square link
    1 Kattah or 16 Chotak = 1650 Bargolink/Square link
    1 Chotak = 103.125 Bargolink/Square link

    Formula of Bargofut/Square Feet and Bigha:

    1 Bigha or 20 Kattah = 14,400 Bargofut/Square feet
    1 Kattah or 16 Chotak = 720 Bargofut/Square feet
    1 Chotak = 45 Bargofut/Square feet

    Formula of Bargogaz/Square Yard and Bigha:

    1 Bigha or 20 Kattah = 1600 Bargogaz/Square yard
    1 Kattah or 16 Chotak = 80 Bargogaz/Square yard
    1 Chotak = 5 Bargogaz/Square yard

    Formula of Bargometer/Square meter and Bigha:

    1 Bigha or 20 Kattah = 1338 Bargometer/Square meter
    1 Kattah or 16 Chotak = 66.9 Bargometer/Square meter
    1 Chotak = 4.18 Bargometer/Square meter

    Formula of Ayer/ayor and Hector:

    1 Hector = 10,000 Bargometer/Square meter
    1 Hector = 11960 Bargogaz/Square yard
    1 Hector = 2.47 Acre
    1 Hector = 100 Ayer
    1 Ayer = 28.9 Bigha (Approx)

    Formula of Bargometer/square meter, Ayer and Hector:

    1 Hector or 100 Ayer = 10,000 Bargometer/Square meter
    1 Ayer = 100 Bargometer/Square meter

    Formula of Shotok, Ayer and Hector:

    147.105 Shotok = 1 Hector or 100 Ayer
    247.105 Shotok = 1 Ayer

    Formula of Bargohat, Ayer and Hector:

    4789.528 Bargohat/Square Hat = 1 Hector
    478.39528 Borgohat = 1 Ayer

    Formula of Bargofut, Ayer and Hector:

    107639 Bargofut/Square feet = 1 Hector or 100 Ayer
    1076.39 Bargofut/Square feet = 1 Ayer

    Formula of Square Yard/ Bargogaz, Ayer and Hector:

    11959.882 Gaz/Yard = 1 Hector or 100 Ayer
    119.59882 Gaz/Yard = 1 Ayer

    Formula of Bigha, Kattah, Ayer and Hector:

    7.47494 Bigha = 1 Hector or 100 Ayer
    0.0747494 Bigha = 1 Ayer

    More measurement units:

    1 Kattah = 1.65 Shotangsho (approx)
    1 Kattah = 165 Ojutangsho (approx)
    1 Bigha = 33 Shotangsho

    Official Source Collected From Land Survey - Ministry of Land - Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh

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    Yamin Hossain Shohan
    Researcher, DevOps Engineer and Digital Content Creator

    I’m a researcher, programmer, and content creator, combining tech and creativity to craft engaging stories and digital content.

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